To maintain continued association between the parents and teachers and to promote activities for the well-being of the students a Parent Teacher Association is formed. The Association meets at intervals to discuss various problems relating to the general welfare of the students.The Principal and all the teaching Staff and the parents / guardians of all the students on rolls of the college during an academic year shall be the members of the association and this constitute the general body. The general body meets twice in a year. The administration of the association is vested in an executive committee elected every year by the general body. The Executive Committee consists of the President (Principal) vice-president (from parents), Secretary (from teaching staff) and members elected from teaching staff and Parents / Guardians. The executive meeting is held once every semester or whenever the need arises.
Aims and Objectives of PTA
Promoting good/ positive relationships between teachers, students, staff, parents/ guardians.
The idea is to ensure high academic standards and enables the smooth working of the college.
To create in its members keen interest for the smooth working and the progress of the college and for maintaining good discipline and high academic standards.
Provide venues for the expression of views on matters of general interest to parents, faculty and students.